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Green Wave goes to Magic

August 8, 2023

Thanks to SOURCING by MAGIC, Green Wave has been invited to participate in this Las Vegas convention's Social Good Row. Green Wave's executive director will also be a speaker on Wednesday's "Social Good Education Panel" at 11:30 am in the Social Good Lounge.

We're excited to bring the discussion of Rebrand Bikini to the conference this year as we believe this is the perfect forum for such a discussion to occur and circulate through. And what timing with the current Barbenheimer hype.

In addition to educating industry participants (at SOURCING at MAGIC) about the scandalous and seemingly hidden history behind the nameing of "the bikini", Green Wave has prepared a menu-listing of ideas companies can potentially co-create with us.

As Green Wave is a voice for more eco-harmonious living, we like to remind that sometimes making a bigger impact might mean simultaneously making a smaller one.

Thus we will now provide some tips and resources that might help our fellow convention travelers, and the companies they represent, make decisions on how to leave a lighter footprint during this convention as well as when they go home. Of course, these ideas can apply to anyone in any industry.

Traveling lighter

* Did you forget something? Before you run out to buy it, question if you truly need it or can adapt without.

* Are you creating waste on this trip? Inevitably, we all do. What's your plan for the waste you are creating? Start by analyzing what kind of waste it is. Is it E-waste (anything that plugs into a wall for power or takes batteries to run)? Don't throw it away. Although there are electronics waste (ewaste) recyclers in Las Vegas, it will be easier to take it back home and use a company such as to help you find a way to responsibly depart with this particular waste that should not be going to landfill.

What about the creation of plastic waste? Might we inspire you with the idea of ecobricking. Find out all about it at and do an internet images search on what can be made with ecobricks once you start the practice. At very least, it compacts the waste you might generate with the unrecyclable plastics.

* Plant based diets can help lessen the load of industrialized animal agricultural practices (fishing included). Download the app Happy Cow to find a load of vegan and vegetarian-friendly establishments in Las Vegas. The Venetian (located close to the convention center) has many listed. Patronizing establishments that either focus or are friendly to plant-based practices help support the overall movement for discussion and action surrounding Earth-friendly and animal humane practices.

Easy to implement business practices on the return home

* Do you have an eco-policy? If not, do a search for how to make an easy one.

* Find out more about Ewaste on

* Find a cause to support

* Ponder your potential for change in this world (see "Far Out Ideas")

Finding a cause to support will be addressed on the "Got Social Good" panel. Details below.

It would be good to keep in mind that a brand should align with a cause or causes that will have some sort of perceived and real benefit for that particular company, but also, it should work both ways. Exposure alone is not always a benefit for nonprofits or causes. We have work to do, whether that is thought leadership, advocacy, organization, or something more direct and on the ground. This often takes financial resources and so, it is our opinion that, a courting company comes prepared with a dowry.

Let's finish with "Far Out Ideas"

We need to remember who we are. I mean this in two respects. Who we are meaning as individuals and what position we hold that might be influential be it to a circle of friends or colleagues, or more vertically as decision makers. For instance, we noticed the beautiful carpet in the entryway of the hall where SOURCING at MAGIC is and asked what the end use of this carpet was. We thought it could be cut into pieces and sold to benefit a cause or donated to a cause who might be able to do the same or simply use the carpet as is. We were informed that the VP of MAGIC, many years ago, ensured that all (one-time use) convention carpets are recycled. VP's hold vertical power who can make important decisions such as these. He only needed to, as he did, see the problem so he could decide on a solution.

The other way we can remember who we are is on a more collective level. Our voice is often stronger in numbers, and we can use our individual powers to organize collective action.

Sometimes people are willing to act but they don't know what to act on, whereas there is the counterpart that knows what needs to be done but might not have the capacity to act. Be open and find each other.

So, ready for some far out ideas? Although the possibility always exists, when we converge in large numbers our potential for making changes can become more visible, even if it's only in-mind. Meaning, here we are in Las Vegas, taking up a large portion of the business for several hotels in the area. It is at this time that hotels might listen to the collective complaints of individuals, appreciate a letter written on behalf of a collective via an organizer, or bend to the will of someone in a position of vertical power who signs off on current and future business. What could be changed? The possibilities are probably endless, but here are some thoughts (environmentally focused) that arise when I travel and again on this trip.

What if we demanded hotels, when they are ready to remodel or replace toilets, switch to bidet-enabled dual-flush versions to reduce the usage of water and the cutting of trees for toilet paper?

What if we encouraged hotels and convention centers to set their thermostat just a little higher than freezing? Both ideas would help the planet and also potentially assist the bottom line of the companies we are asking to modify their current practices. Keeping the thermostat just a little higher should help emissions significantly. In a changing climate, we need all the trees.