Introducing Louisette
Mz. September 2020
Permaculture Pinup
l am the altar. My thoughts are my prayers. My actions are my daily offerings to my Ancestors and the Divine 💎Enigma💎.
- Louisette

Art by Ainhara
We think this image captures the many elements that makeup Louisette gorgeously. Corn here has been revered as a gift of the gods since ancient times. It is a beautiful reminder of our ancestors and the potential abundance and nourishment provided by the Earth when we tend the land right. As a yogini and movement artist, Louisette in "mermaid" pose reminds us of water's importance and pays tribute to one of her favorite goddesses, Yemaya. Air for vocal powers is used by her in her music career; however, she also uses the sacred power of speech to advocate for the ancestors who honored the Elements and Luminaries. Finally, we have Fire that is represented by the Sun. Food for the plants, food for our souls. The Sun provides warmth, awareness, information, discipline, and a love that shows up and shines on All daily.
Louisette is a proud Canadian Female artist with "many tentacles", as she likes to say. She has been a singer/songwriter/music-video-producer for over ten years. Her new single, "SUN" is available on all platforms and can be accessed through a link on her Instagram profile, which is filled with videos that offer illuminating perspectives. We thought Louisette should be profiled as she is a STRONG representative for the Feminine and Black and First Peoples empowerment. The global Black community, are comprised of the most genetically diverse people on the planet. They are our living ancestors. However many of our living ancestors, who chose or have chosen to stay connected to the land, have been, are, or are in line to be displaced when an arm of "modern" society seeks their land for resources. Those who decide, or are forced, to assimilate into the encroaching society are welcomed with the caveat of systemic violence. Included in this violence is often the encouraged erasure of their own ancestral heritage and knowledge. Class divisions and forced education programs have fed the social pressure to abandon "old ways". "Moving up" within a modern society absorbs the assimilated population and their future generations into becoming participants in the current or future violence committed by that society. Unless they speak out, they become part of the pattern, on repeat, of violence and displacement for resources. This is why we love Louisette's message of empowerment and appreciate her signaling for a return to honoring ancestors and ancestral wisdom. This return will help the global permaculture movement root down.
Often we may think of permaculture solely as "farming", but permaculture is a way of living and systems design that can be applied on micro and macro levels. Although Louisette is living an urban life, her holistic lifestyle, advocation for ancestral wisdom and land custodians, and the education she provides to dismantle racism are essential components to allow the choice we must all soon make. Will we ignore the information around us and continue to feed a system of extraction and exploitation? Or, will we allow ourselves to honestly observe our behaviors and the environment so we may re-evaluate our local and global situations? Pulling away from the distractions of the modern world, we believe there is a natural desire to cultivate and nourish pathways to sustain a regenerative Earth. This is the purpose of our monthly showcase model series. To highlight the beauty of returning to Nature. We are grateful to Louisette for her participation as our Mz. September 2020 for Permaculture Pinup. (Her interview is below).
What are you most passionate about within the permaculture movement?
Seeing new communities sprout up across the globe. Starvation, hunger and poverty should be frowned upon in every country, because the Earth requires nothing from us, except for care. So every person should have the ability to learn how to care for her, which includes learning how to grow our own food. This in itself, when done correctly, can very much assist communities globally, and also create more green space and carbon sinks. It’s a cycle that benefits everyone including Earth.
When did you first realize you cared about the planet?
My mother was always Earth. Her name is Vesta, which means Goddess of the Hearth (fire). Hearth always resonated with Earth for me, because she was very earthy and always spoke about her inner flame. I grew up with lots of plants around my home, and we were taught that they can hear us. So I speak to them even to this day. They definitely hear me because everything I’ve requested for, they’ve given to me. So I give back my offerings to the Earth in various sacred ways. We come from her.
How do you think our future could be sexier?
The future will look sexier once everyone over stands that abusing sex isn’t sexy. What I mean by that is, sexiness is beautiful with the right or righteous energy. It comes wrapped in many frequencies. But when it’s used to abuse, it takes the vibration to an extreme low. So I think if humans overstood its power in an enlightened state, it can really create planetary ascension. That in itself is sexy.
Who has inspired you on your path?
My mother. She taught me to use what I got. She taught me that the race is not for the swift, but for those who can endure till the end.
Be wise as a serpent
but harmless as a dove.
- Louisette
This interview has been brought to you by Permaculture Pinup, a project of Green Wave (501(c)(3) nonprofit). If you liked this interview, love what we are doing, and would like to see us continue please consider supporting the Green Wave sponsored project, Pinuya Nursery. Over the ages, womyn have been likened to trees. The Pinuya Nursery is nursery to foster trees that will go to creating a food forest that will provide food for an entire village and reforest the land.
Thank you for helping us heal the Earth!
Permaculture Pinup is reclaiming the use of sex appeal for regeneration.
We are rejecting the use of sex appeal for war propaganda and the toxic lifestyle and consumerism that drives those efforts.
We are a nonprofit campaign of flirtatious media featuring models who are healing the Earth. The intention behind our sexy images will serve an Earth-regenerative agenda through creative and playful permaculture education.
We will drop seeds (for gardens and food forests), not bombs.
The only thing we want to destroy is an old paradigm.