10am-1pm Wonderland Restaurant & Boutique at Rancho Delicioso
Markets are a great way to bring a community together. They provide an opportunity to gather and share gifts in various ways.
The March 20th, 2022 Community Market will be the very first for Rancho Delicioso, a permaculture and intentional community located in Delicias de Cobano, Costa Rica. The market will be held at Yasmin's Wonderland Restaurant and Boutique and feature food, products for commerce, trade, and gift, as well as mystical services and environmental talks. It will be an eco-friendly and family-friendly event. After years of working on the development of the eco-village, the members of Rancho Delicioso are excited to formally introduce the surrounding community to their vision.
So far, the market will feature:
- Pre-market Yin Yoga class by Pascale
- The permanent playground at Wonderland
- Arts & Craft area for children run by Rancho Delicioso member, Cassandra.
- Pendulum readings by Irene Alpizar
- A talk on the sacredness of Water by Irene Alpizar starting at 11am
- A talk on New Paradigm Parenting by Nicole Marry starting at 11:30am
- On-going demonstration of ecobricks by Rancho Delicioso member, Jivana
- Food, Herbs, Seeds, Oranamental Plants, Free Giveaways
- Clothing Swap
- Playlist Music by Robbie
- Post-market Rancho Delicioso farm tour by Joseph and watering hole journey with Pascale
- Nicoya Community Collaborators:
- SoapSurfer soaps by Katrin
- Art by Tommy (The Sinful Sloth) and Magda Zak (Novraka)
- Clothing by Euge Cano
- Incenses and Angel readings by Tribu Bambu Mar
- Yummus and Hooping by Caroline Palmer
As this market is collaborative, you, too, can participate and offer serivces, sell, or swap. Here’s some ideas of what you could offer: clothing to sell or to swap, trees or medicinal plants for people to buy and plant, medicinal plants already harvested, seeds for sale or exchange, art, crafts, beauty products, food, baked goods, fun activations, smiles, hugs, fabulous ideas…
As mentioned, the Rancho Delicioso Community Market will take place at Wonderland Restaurant. Although the market starts at 10am and runs to 1pm, there will be a donation-based Yin Yoga class led by current Rancho Delicioso resident, Pasquale. The Yin Yoga class will held on the deck at Rancho Delicioso (a short walk from the restaurant), prior to the market opening, and run from 9am to 10am.

¡Un saludo a nuestra comunidad extendida!
Este será un evento familiar. Por si no lo sabía, el Rancho Delicioso es una comunidad intencional y una granja de permacultura en Delicias. Es el hogar del increíble restaurante y parque infantil Wonderland.
Tenemos la intención de hacer esta Feria mensualmente después de nuestro evento de debut. Nos comunicamos hoy no solo para decirles que "guarden la fecha", sino también para invitarles a participar.
* He aquí algunas ideas de lo que podrían ofrecer: ropa para vender o intercambiar, árboles o plantas medicinales para que la gente compre y siembre, plantas medicinales ya cosechadas, semillas para vender o intercambiar, arte, manualidades, actividades divertidas…
* Hasta el momento tenemos a Irene Alpízar que estará haciendo lecturas de péndulo y un taller de conservación de las Aguas, Doug estará haciendo lecturas de palma, Jivana demonstracion sobre ecobloques. También tendremos un área de arte y manualidades para niños además del famoso parque infantil Wonderland.
* Tendremos espacio en la plataforma de yoga para clases o talleres previos a la Feria de las 10 a.m, también está abierta la posibilidad de utilizar en nuestra plataforma de yoga después del mercado a partir de la 1:30 p. m. o las 2 p. m.
* Háganos saber si desea participar ofreciendo un servicio o compartir sus creaciones: artes, manualidades, comida, magia. Estamos muy emocionados de recibirles en nuestra pequeña pero creciente comunidad de Rancho Delicioso. Diganos 8621-2496