Ainhara is an Ibiza-based artist. I came across her work on Instagram a little over a year ago and fell in love immediately with its luminous sensuality. She considers her collage addressal of the elements and the Feminine, light-activation codes. We thought her work would be perfect for our campaign as each piece seems to be an expression of our Mother Planet or a perspective from Earth.
Permaculture Pinup is grateful Ainhara liked our idea, allowing us to use of her artwork for the campaign website and the Permaculture Pinup Instagram account. We asked Ainhara to review the website to make sure she agreed with our usage layout and to see if she had any other comments. She reported that there was an opportunity to describe what sexual energy is and why it is so powerful thus inspiring this interview with her.
Interview with Ainhara by Janine Jordan
She can be found on Instagram @ainhararahnia
In some spiritual circles, sexual energy is equated with creative energy. How do you, Ainhara, define sexual energy?
For me it is a flow of energy, it’s movement that can be manifested in many ways. Sexual energy raises from where the “uterus” is located in the physical body, that’s why sometimes people limit this energy to the practice of sex itself, but sexual energy can be channeled through dancing, singing or any creative activity that transmutes that flow into an expression that can be material or not. To create is to be sexual.
Repression and control of sexual energy is often blamed on religion going back thousands of years. Why do you think sexual energy is misunderstood and how have you seen it be misunderstood?
It’s been misunderstood because it’s a powerful tool, when expressed it can bring awareness and a shift in consciousness that makes us free from dogmas. So religion made us think we are smaller and limited, and to use that energy was a sin so they could control us better by repressing our vital forces. I can go for hours with that question and it points directly to the origin, the free will, when man experiences divinity by itself and their aware of its power can not fit any box and keep working on the wheel of the system and slavery through capitalism. So power becomes insignificant and unnecessary when you become oneness by being aligned with your true nature. Sexual energy is key to be aligned and balanced.
How do you think sexual energy relates to Earth?
She is sexual, sexy... Imagine the Earth being ashamed of her sexual energy, life won’t be possible, their would be no springs, no flowers blossoming, we won’t experience the circle of seasons and food or any outcome from her infinite abundance would be death itself. It’s all a cycle, the sun makes love to her, she transforms the light in life in many shapes, fertile soils, water springs to nurture and add movement to her body, clouds for shade, food and medicine... so we can coexist with her. Giving and receiving, the eternal espiral of love.
Can you describe your personal relation to our planet?
Its everything, there’s no separation between the planet and me or anyone, we are the dream and the dreamer, I can see myself on her, her trees my lungs, her rivers my veins, her mountains my curves. But what I identify it’s that we are both a present for each other when connected to source. It’s an exchange, we come from earth and to earth we will return. She loves us, and for example a way to express her love is to give us the present of working her lands, get fed with her magic that normally expresses through beauty and food, our fuel for life, so when we treat her with love we seed her lands and work with the sun she will provide the best food we can ever live. For me food lives through me, the energy of food transforms into my body, I receive her minerals, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, water, L I F E and I continue their life in my body. So plants are her, she lives through me, their you see the oneness.

Do you have other names you use for Earth? For instance, I call her Gaia, MA, Ma Gaia, Gaia-Sophia.
I call her Mami or MA... MA is the original vibration that roots words like mamá, magic, matrix, maaaaarvelous
What else do you want to say about sexuality, sensuality, women, the Earth, yourself or inspirations?
I think we should look at the woman’s body as the origin, as the portal that brings us to experience life on earth. And with respect see the power of her innate sexual energy emanating from her in every breath. It’s not an object, it’s nothing to buy, it’s everything to admire and venerate. Understanding that in her vulnerability she’s perfect and is half of what every human alive embodies, as we are half our mum half our dad. So there’s is a woman in all of us, that needs to be listened, touched, respected and loved, and by doing it with the other world we reach that climax within.
Personally I had tremendous problems with sexuality and being a sensual being, I always felt dirty till I choose to see that was nothing bad on being the woman I am, that I’m beautiful and this does not mean you are a sin, that I am sexual an this only means I am alive. That I have infinite faces and I’m also masculine, and I don’t need to be fragile or pink, that I can embody whatever my heart feels right to be. It’s complicated to feel safe when all the patriarchy objectify’s our natural movement and flow, but we have the responsibility to get to know our own nature and just see that it’s natural to be powerful.
Ainhara, my name means strong woman, and now I see the real meaning of it, to embody strongly what I am since the very moment I became a human. And as every human I am grateful for all the other humans that shared path with me, even the ones that made me feel smal, not enough, or whatever thing that makes me limitares because, they made me responsible for what I want to feel about how they treat others, they can not hurt me if I know who I am, they made me stronger... it was not that clear when this things just happened but slowly and with a lot of love they brought me where I am now, and I feel grateful for everything, I stay neutral, I don’t judge things as negative as positive as I know that potentially everything is gifting you with something
✨ We choose how to use it. Being a superwoman sometimes means being completely broken, so don’t think or project the image of a strong woman with full clarity, normally everything raises from confusion.

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This interview has been brought to you by Permaculture Pinup, a project of Green Wave (501(c)(3) nonprofit). If you liked this interview, love what we are doing, and would like to see us continue please consider supporting the Green Wave sponsored project, Pinuya Nursery. Over the ages, womyn have been likened to trees. The Pinuya Nursery is nursery to foster trees that will go to creating a food forest that will provide food for an entire village and reforest the land.
Thank you for helping us heal the Earth!